South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?South Korea’s Economic Future: Industrial Policy, or Economic Democracy?
This paper argues that neither industrial policy nor economic democracy are in the best interest of Koreans. Rather, a laissez faire policy of minimal government interference will provide the best environment to foster South Korea’s continued
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Play, mobility and learning pat kane a discussion paper for Urban Learning Space1 20 January 2005Play, mobility and learning pat kane a discussion paper for Urban Learning Space1 20 January 2005
Three ghostly characters, seemingly composed of light, stand in a hallway, which is itself only visible as light traces. In the paranoid world-view of the movie itself
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Security and enforcement as private businessSecurity and enforcement as private business
For publication in: V. Bonnell (Ed.) New Entrepreneurs in Russia and China. Westview Press, 2001)
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A. abaciscus: a small square tablet abactorA. abaciscus: a small square tablet abactor
Property is in abeyance when it is in the expectation, in the intendment of the law, not in actual possession
0.97 Mb. 19
Europe: quietly rising superpower in a bipolar worldEurope: quietly rising superpower in a bipolar world
Americans will rise to only 35. 4 years old—with negative effects on Europe’s productivity, growth, fiscal stability, and so on. Without a change in the number of workers, economic growth is predicted to halve
103.3 Kb. 1


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